Car Inspection Gold Coast, Queensland

All our Gold Coast mechanics are accredited and qualified with over 15 years in the automotive industry. With so many used cars available for sale in this area, it's imperative to have a trained eye look over the vehicle before laying out your hard earned money.

With so many beautiful day trips on offer in the Gold Coast from the Hinterland region, to Byron Bay or up to the Glasshouse Mountains - you want to ensure the vehicle to buy will get you where you want to go without any unforeseen problems. Whether it's a small zippy car to get you around Brisbane city or a larger vehicle fit for camping or surfing road trips, there's not a car that we haven't seen.

We provide both Standard Car Inspections and Premium Car Inspections giving you the choice of two incredibly detailed car inspections. If you are buying sight unseen from a different state, an onsite inspection really is essential.

Did you know that vehicles in Coastal areas can be far more susceptible to rust and other very concerning issues caused by the salt in the air? We know exactly what to look for and where to look for it. Many issues can be hidden by used car sellers and unless you are informed of these issues you could be up for thousands.

Our mechanics attend on site and provide you with a full report of the vehicle and follow up with a phone call to ensure you know exactly what quality of used car you're buying. This is just the peace of mind you need when buying a used car. You also receive a complimentary Car History report providing detail about the history of the vehicle, whether the vehicle has been written off, has had the odometer rolled back, has encumbered financial interest or has been registered as a stolen vehicle.

Once you make the booking using our easy online booking form, we will contact the seller and organise the inspection as soon as the vehicle is made available to us. We guarantee we can get there within 48 hours. This is very important! If the car is a popular one, there will likely be others interested in buying. We understand this and know that time is of the essence.

We look forward to assisting you on your car buying journey.

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