Car Inspection Perth, Western Australia

With five vans on the road, our qualified and accredited Perth Carinspect mechanics will get to you on time – every time. We inspect all cars, makes and models and run through a very detailed list of checklist items ensuring we will highlight any concerning aspects of the vehicle.

We provide both Standard Car Inspections and Premium Car Inspections giving you the choice of a great vehicle inspection, or our fully comprehensive premium service. If you are buying sight unseen from another state, this service is essential.

We also service greater Perth to Rockingham

If you've spent some time wandering the magical Western Australian coastline you will have enjoyed some of the greatest scenery in the country. You may also have noticed the abundance of dirt roads and rugged tracks that many vehicles on this side of Australia have been forced to endure. As beautiful as some of these drives are, they can be very hard wearing and damaging on the cars that drive them.

Our Perth mobile mechanics are experts in identifying hidden problems which, based on the history of many WA cars, is particularly important in the underbody, engine and exterior parts of the car. Many sellers may try and cover up some of these issues – this is where our mechanic's experience is important. Our whole purpose is to ensure you know exactly what you're buying and that you don't drive away with a lemon that may cost you thousands.

In addition to your extensive report, we also provide you a full PPSR and Car History report which details the history of the vehicle, whether the vehicle has been written off, has had the odometer rolled back, has encumbered financial interest or has been registered as a stolen vehicle.

Buying a used car is not something many people do more than a few times in a lifetime. It's a big investment and should be a very considered decision. For the sake of a few hundred dollars, you could be saving yourself a fortune in the long run by getting one of our trained Perth professionals to inspect the vehicle. Our checks include engine, interior, exterior, underbody, diagnostics and road test.

What's more, we guarantee the vehicle will be inspected within 48 hours of you making the booking so long as the seller can make the vehicle available to us in that time – it's that quick and easy and it could save you thousands!

Simply book online now and an accredited Perth Carinspect mechanic will contact the seller directly to arrange a time for the vehicle to be inspected. Once inspected you will receive a phone call to discuss the vehicle and also your detailed inspection report in your inbox.

We look forward to being able to assist you in your car buying journey.

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